A wedding ring weighs to seven of it was a luxury for a common man at that period. But a necklace weighs 350 of it adorned the queen of the province. It was on the same time that they were used to prepare medicine for various skin ailments including Leprosy, and therefore they were the Dapsone of Kerala till 19th century. But medicine preparation was permitted to expert pharmacologist as it causes death in overdose because of the presence of Abrin, a toxic plant protein. A climber of the South Indian deciduous forests of up to 1000 m altitude, the seeds of Wild liquorice (Abrus precatorius) is beautiful to see with black eyes on red and hence is known as blood drop of forest. They lose weight very slowly as they dry up which enabled these smooth surfaced thick seeds to be placed as masses opposite to the valuable metal, in the balance scale.
South Indian Naturalist Tours is very happy to share this element of nature with you so as to aware you about the unnoticed fascinations of South India and the dormant rejoice within them. We will be thankful to you to share it with people in your familiarity and to neglect it if you find them unwanted, as well.